Friday, June 29, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday Jase!

Cannot believe that its been 4 years we have been blessed with you in our lives! Seems like just yesterday I was waddling around pregnant time sure does fly! Going back and seeing these baby photos of Jase amazes me how much he has changed, grown one thing that hasn't changed is that you are always smiling and giving us something to smile abut! Love you big boy we are going to your favorite place (not Mommies) Chuck E Cheese for a birthday celebration for you! Love you....can't even image next year you will be starting Kindergarten
Pre-k graduation June 14, 2012

The boys

my loves

Batman in da house!
Big brother Kyle meeting Jase for the 1st time
Kyle feeding Jase

July 1st going home!

Our little firecracker

Big Brother Aaron meeting Jase

Wondering what he is thinking

Welcome Jase Keegan

Jase & Nana <3

Daddy & Jase

Big Brothers :)

First photo shoot

big brother Aaron

getting washed up

so precious

batter up!

working the camera

okay lady enough!

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