Saturday, July 7, 2007

Lucky day 7-7-07

I got my scrap on today finally seems like awhile that i have actually sat and created something!always feels good...I did this layout and wasn't really thrilled about but wasn't about to redo it!I posted it at MFM( place to hang out with some KeWl chicks)
and Donna suggested I color in some of the doodling!and it brought this layout AlIvE in my book!Love how it turned out!


Thank you Donna(mom to 6kids)

I even got to go to J's(by myself)someone posted they were
some good stuff there but of course my
totally BiteS and didn't have anything
good or that I need (not that I need ANYthinG!)LOL
Came home made lunch for me & the boys
I had a tomato sandwich YuMm-O haven't
had one of those in awhile hit the spot!
after lunch the boys played in the pool
than of course had to have some ice pops :)
I guess for me today was a lucky day for me :)

Aaron & Kyle enjoy some ice pop/ice

Kyle relaxing in the pool looking KeWl

Aaron catching some fish.

1 comment:

Cheryl Wray said...

Love the colored-in doodling!!